New Website Design
Deep in the throes of the fourth draft of The Immortal Words, I decided it was time to take a mental break and put some effort into a different creative project. Thus, my website has seen a redesign!
You’ll notice a few of the changes immediately—the new logo, the project notices at the top replacing the GIANT photo of me from our wedding, the progress bars from current projects, and a new color scheme more closely matching the colors of the book cover. I am having some difficulty getting the mobile and desktop sites to work ideally. Make one thing fit properly on the desktop, it becomes unimaginably large on the mobile. And vice versa. That’s a work in progress, but the desktop version is currently ideal.
There’s not much else to update on besides wrapping up the new finale to The Immortal Words. Now it’s time to jump back to the beginning of the novel and update everything to reflect the changes. It’s honestly one of my favorite parts of the writing process. I love a good re-read. It would be sad if I didn’t enjoy reading it, why would I have written it?
Hope all is well.